The Pearson BTEC level 5 HND Diploma in Computing and Systems Development (QCF) provides opportunities for learners to apply their knowledge and practical skills in the workplace. Full-time learners have the opportunity to do this through formal work placements or part-time employment experience. The program strives to educate students to assume leadership roles where the application of information technology is concerned with the ultimate of connecting people, organizations, and communities to enhance their ability to succeed. The qualification prepares leaners for employment in the IT and computing sectors and will be suitable for learners who have already decided that they wish to enter this area of work. Some adult learners may wish to make the commitment required by this qualification in order to enter a specialist area of employment in IT and computing sectors or progress into or within education. Progression from this qualification may will be into or within employment in the IT and computing sectors. Job Opportunities:
For more information about BTEC Higher Nationals Click Here
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